B400P is a PCI 2.2 compliant card supporting 4 BRI S/T interfaces, with a onboard multi NT power feeding circuits. NT/TE mode can be independently configured on each of the 4 ports.. It can be used to build Asterisk based systems such as ISDN PBX and Voip gateway.
In StockB200P is a PCI 2.2 compliant card supporting 1 BRI S/T interface. NT/TE mode can be configured on the port. It can be used to build Asterisk based systems such as ISDN PBX and Voip gateway.
In StockHardware echo cancellation module for B200E and B200P cards
In StockOpenVox X204E 8 channels FXO/FXS/BRI/PRI - PCI Express card Supports 3 types interface: FXO/FXS, BRI and T1/E1/ J1 Each interface access 2 analog line Provide 4 simultaneous voice calls over 2 ISDN BRI lines
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